BioX ho IWF SHANGHAI Fitness Expo
Rightsun (USA), e thehiloeng ka 1997, e na le ntlo-khōlō e Los Angeles, California.
Rightsun (USA) e ikemiseditse ho kgothalletsa dihlahiswa tsa phepo e nepahetseng ya dipapadi tse tala maemong a lefatshe.
Lilemong tse 20 tse fetileng, Rightsun e emetse mefuta e mengata.
E le setsi sa ka tlase sa Rightsun (USA) naheng ea Chaena, Shanghai Hanshang Economic and Trade Co., Ltd. esale e tsitlallela ho kenya 100% ho tsoa mose ho maoatle ho tloha ha e thehoa ka 2002, phatlalatso e ikemetseng ea meetlo le tlhahlobo Chaena, 'me ka ho toba. thekiso ea lihlahisoa ho bareki leqephe ka leqephe ho netefatsa boleng ba boleng bo holimo.
BioXTshebetso Phepo e nepahetsenge tsepamisitse maikutlo tabeng ea lipapali le boikoetliso, 'me e fa bareki mofuta oa tlatsetso ea phepo ea lihlahisoa tsa 'tlhaho, tse monate le tse phetseng hantle'.
Ho tloha ka 1988, ka tikoloho ea tlhaho ea Canada, melemo ea sehlahisoa ea 'tlhaho, monate le bophelo bo botle' e etsa hore BIOX e be lets'oao le tsebahalang la phepo e nepahetseng Amerika Leboea.
E rekiloe ka liphutheloana tsa mantlha le tonic e hloekileng, ea tlhaho ea BioX e kene China, e tlisa likhetho tse ncha tse ntle bakeng sa bareki ba China.
Nutrition Zone e etsa le ho aba 'Bio-XTshebetsoLihlahisoa tsa mofuta oa phepo e nepahetseng.
Nutrition Zone e fana ka mefuta e mengata ka ho fetesisa ea li-supplement tsa liatleletiki khoebong ho tloha ho li-protein powders, tse itokiselitseng ho noa liprotheine le lino tse matla, li-bar tsa phepo e nepahetseng ea protheine, boima ba 'mele le lithuso tsa ho theola boima ba' mele hammoho le litlatsetso tse matlafatsang ts'ebetso ea liatleletiki.
Nutrition Zone e thehiloe joalo ka k'hamphani ea phepo ea lipapali ka 1988, ka lebaka la takatso ea ho phela hantle 'meleng.
Ho fihlela kajeno, tjantjello ea ho phela hantle 'meleng le boitlamo ba ho fana ka litlatsetso tsa phepo e nepahetseng ea boleng bo holimo e ntse e tiile.
Rightsun ha a khoebong ea ho rekisa lihlahisoa tsa phepo ea lipapali feela, empa hape ke mosebelisi ea lokolohileng oa tsona, joalo ka litho tse ngata tsa malapa le basebetsi. Rightssun e ke ke ea rarolla letho haese se molemohali.
Nakong ena ea likopo tse sa utloahaleng le litšepiso tse sa phethahalang, Rightsun e lula e tsitsitse boitlamo ba ho fa bareki lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo holimo ka ho fetisisa.
Ho tloha ho lihlahisoa tse tala ho ea ho likarolo tsa tatso, filosofi e 'nile ea e-ba ho sebelisa feela metsoako e fumanehang ka ho fetisisa. Rightsun e ke ke ea senya boleng ba sehlahisoa molemong oa ho fumana sehlahisoa se theko e tlase. Rightsun e tiisa hore ha o reka sehlahisoa se ajoang ke Nutrition Zone, u tla be u reka se molemohali.
IWF SHANGHAI Fitness Expo:
La 3-5 Phupu, 2020
Shanghai New International Expo Center
SNIEC, Shanghai, China
#iwf #iwf2020 #iwfshanghai
#fitnessexpo #fitnessexhibition #fitnesstradeshow
# Lipontšo tsaIWF #BioX #Rightsun #NutritionZone
#Phepo #Ts'ebetso #Whey #Protheine #MealFuel
#Vegan #Nature #NutriNut #Grainer #Beverage #Amino
#Mosebetsi oa Pele #Ho hlaphoheloa #BCAA#Glutamine #Arginine #Alanine
#Tlatsetso#LCarnitine #Carnitine #Shaker #Cap #Sanitizer